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After achieving carbon neutrality for your event, we encourage you to continue your sustainability journey. This could involve achieving carbon neutrality for every of your events, setting more ambitious environmental goals, implementing sustainable practices across your organisation, and exploring other ESG initiatives. Our consultancy firm can provide ongoing support and guidance to help you navigate this path.

Attempting to handle carbon emissions calculations and related tasks on your own can have serious consequences. While there are numerous carbon emissions calculators available, it's important to note that they may not provide accurate results due to unknown assumptions and questionable reference standards. This lack of certainty can increase risks and costs if the calculations are incorrect, potentially requiring you to purchase more carbon credits than necessary.


Moreover, navigating the carbon neutral journey without professional guidance can lead to branding and PR issues. Without consultants guiding you through the process, there's a higher likelihood of using incorrect terms, such as "net zero" or "carbon neutral", which can create misunderstandings and even crisis situations.


Additionally, attempting to manage your carbon emissions independently puts you at risk of being challenged for greenwashing. Greenwashing accusations arise when companies make misleading or false claims about their environmental sustainability efforts. Without the expertise of a reputable ESG consultancy firm, it becomes more challenging to demonstrate the transparency and integrity of your sustainability initiatives.


To mitigate these risks, ensure accuracy, and protect your company's reputation, it is strongly recommended to seek the guidance of a trustworthy ESG consultancy firm (contact us). Engaging our CNEM service ensures professional expertise, industry knowledge, and access to a network of verified carbon offset projects, providing you with comprehensive support and peace of mind.

To get started, simply contact us, and we will guide you through the process step by step. We will assess your event's carbon emissions, develop a tailored carbon reduction strategy, and assist you in offsetting the remaining emissions. We can also provide recommendations and support to help you further integrate sustainability into your overall business practices.

Apart from achieving carbon neutrality for your event, our CNEM service offers several benefits and deliverables. These may include a comprehensive Event Carbon Neutral Audit and Offset report, a Carbon Neutral Event Certificate, a Carbon Credit Certificate, a customized carbon reduction strategic proposal, guidance on sustainable event practices, recommendations for future sustainability improvements, and assistance in communicating your event's environmental commitment to stakeholders.

Before engaging our CNEM service, it is helpful to gather information about your event, such as the estimated number of attendees, event duration, venue details, and any existing sustainability initiatives. This information will assist us in assessing the carbon footprint and developing an appropriate carbon reduction and offsetting strategy. However, even if you don't have all the details, we can still start the conversation and guide you through the necessary steps.

We prioritize the procurement of high-quality carbon credits from reputable sources that adhere to internationally recognized standards, for example, China Certified Emission Reduction (CCER), Gold Standard, the United Nations Clean Development Mechanism and Verified Carbon Standard. These credits represent verified emission reductions from certified projects. We ensure transparency and credibility by working with trusted partners and verifying the credibility and authenticity of the carbon credits used for offsetting.

Glossary (by UNFCCC) – Carbon Credit; Carbon Neutrality; Climate Neutrality; Net Zero; Offset

Carbon Credit - Also known as an "offset", this is a generic term used to assign a value to a reduction, avoidance or capture of GHG emissions achieved by a certified project. It is equivalent to one metric ton of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e). A carbon credit can be used by a business, organisation or individual to compensate their carbon footprint by financially rewarding an activity that has reduced or sequestered GHGs, and which also brings other sustainable development benefits.


Carbon Neutrality - Carbon neutrality describes a state in which the GHG emissions released to the atmosphere by a stakeholder (individual, organisation, company, country, etc.) have been reduced or avoided and the remaining ones are compensated with carbon credits. To achieve carbon neutrality, carbon credits from projects that reduce, avoid or temporarily capture GHGs are accepted. Note that carbon neutrality is possible at stakeholder level, not at global/planetary level, where use of carbon credits (offseting/compensation) is not possible.


Climate Neutrality - Climate Neutrality means achieving a balance between emissions and removals of GHGs from the atmosphere. For the purposes of Climate Neutral Now, climate neutrality and net zero are synonyms. At the level of a stakeholder (individual, company, organisation, country etc.), climate neutrality is a state where GHG emissions are reduced or avoided and the remaining ones are compensated with carbon credits from projects that capture GHGs in the long term.


Net Zero - Both at global/planetary level and at stakeholder (individual, organisation, company, country etc.) level, Net Zero is a state where a balance between anthropogenic GHG emissions and removals is achieved. This can be achieved through reducing and avoiding emissions, and then implementing solutions to capture the remaining ones at the point of generation, or by removing them from the atmosphere. Net zero is a state that stakeholders may achieve, but also a state that we need to achieve at global/planetary level to meet the goals of the Paris Agreement. To achieve net zero, only carbon credits or offsets generated by projects that capture CO2 in the long term are accepted.


Offset - Offsets or carbon credits represent GHG emissions that have been reduced, avoided or captured through projects that are verified according to credible standards. Each offset or carbon credit is equivalent to one metric ton of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e). The use of carbon credits as part of the overall climate strategy of an organisation, individual or other stakeholder serves to encourage further emission reductions at global level, as well as creating other sustainable development benefits such as job creation or improved health, among many others.

Carbon Neutral Event Management (CNEM) is a specialized service provided by us. It focuses on helping organisations plan, execute, and offset the carbon emissions associated with their events. CNEM ensures that events are conducted in an environmentally responsible manner, with the goal of achieving carbon neutrality.

The budget for our CNEM service depends on various factors, such as the scale and complexity of your event, the extent of carbon emissions to be offset after reduction, and specific customisation requirements. We offer tailored solutions to meet your budgetary constraints while ensuring the highest standards of service and environmental impact. Please contact us for a detailed discussion and a customized proposal based on your specific needs.

We adhere to a variety of international standards to ensure our event management system is environmentally responsible and efficient. These standards include:

  1. Greenhouse Gas Protocol by World Resources Institute (WRI) and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD)
  2. A comprehensive, global framework for understanding, quantifying, and managing greenhouse gas emissions.
  3. ISO20121:2012 Event Sustainability Management Systems
  4. A standard that provides guidance on how to improve the sustainability of events, with practical advice and examples.
  5. Guidelines to Account for and Report on Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Removals for Buildings by the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department & Environmental Protection Department of HKSAR Government
  6. Provides guidance on the accounting and reporting of greenhouse gas emissions and removals from buildings in Hong Kong.

Our commitment to these standards ensures our events are as sustainable and carbon neutral as possible.

Our CNEM service is designed to cater to events of various scales, ranging from small gatherings to large conferences and exhibitions. Whether you are organizing a corporate event, annual dinner, industry conference, trade show, or any other type of event, our CNEM service can be tailored to meet your specific needs and ensure carbon neutral.