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Green office

Posted by ris_admin 27/12/2021 0 Comment(s) All,ESG,

Green Office Tips

We spend most of our time in indoor environments such as home and office. The 4R (recycle, reduce, reuse, replace) is commonly known for green office. However, what can be done in fact? Here are some easy-doing and professional advice for you.


1.Paper saving

  • Reduce paper consumption through application of computer technology. e.g., communicating by email or e-fax, using computer to store documents etc.
  • Reduce printing and put recycling boxes near the photocopier to collect single-sided paper for reuse and both-sided used paper for recycling.
  • Purchase recycled paper for printing, e.g., FSC-certified paper.


  • Choose appropriate font and reduction mode to reduce the number of printed papers e.g., printing 4 slides per page in PPT.
  • Keep the standard setting of the printer to the mode of printing on both sides.
  • Encourage staff to reuse stationery, e.g., reusing used envelop and document folders.
  • Produce electronic greeting cards during festive occasions.

How to Start a Wastepaper Recycling Programme? :

Link of recycling paper :


2.Energy Saving

  • Switch off electrical appliances when they are not in used (e.g., air-conditioning, computer, printer, photocopier, lighting, etc.).
  • Electrical appliances should be completely shut off to save electricity.
  • Set the computer in energy-saving mode.
  • Choose electrical appliances with “Grade 1” energy label (e.g., refrigerator, air-conditioning, computer, printer etc.).
  • Conduct regular energy audits to monitor energy consumption.
  • Wear light clothing during summer to minimize the need for air conditioning.
  • Walk instead of using elevator if travelling between few floors.


Air conditioner

  • Support “Energy Saving Charter”.
  • Maintain an average indoor temperature between 24 - 26°C to save energy during summertime.
  • Open the window and switch off the air conditioner during wintertime if possible.



  • Use energy-saving lightings, such as compact fluorescent lamps, T5 fluorescent lamps, LED, etc.
  • Install an occupancy sensor or timer to ensure the lightings are turned off when not in used.


3.Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment(WEEE)

  • Engage recyclers to collect and recycle WEEE (e.g., computer, printer, photocopier, kettle, or microwave, etc.)

Link of recycling Electrical and Electronic Equipment :


4.Green Procurement

  • Purchase sustainable stationery e.g., recyclable papers, pencils, and printer toner cartridges, etc.
  • Reuse stationery e.g., rubber rings, ropes, envelopes, folders, etc.
  • Use refillable stationery e.g., refillable ball pens etc.


5.Water Saving

  • Turn off the water tap after using.
  • Post water-saving reminders near the water tap.
  • If any water tap or water pipe is leaking, arrange maintenance immediately to avoid wasting water.
  • Check the water supply system regularly to ensure that there is no leakage.


6.Reducing Food waste

  • Think twice before you order food to avoid over-ordering.
  • Take away your leftovers.
  • Replace disposable utensils by reusable utensil in office.


 Link of recycling food waste :


7.Indoor Air Quality (IAQ)

  • Clean the air conditioning filters regularly.
  • Avoid using aerosol products such as air fresheners.
  • Dispose perishable food properly to avoid generating unpleasant odours.
  • Plant small potted plantings.
  • Open windows to increase ventilation and improve indoor air quality.
  • Join the voluntary IAQ Certification Scheme for Offices and Public Places.


8.Other Useful Tip

  • Appoint a "Green Manager" to implement and promote green practices.
  • Assess the compliance regularly with the green office guidelines.
  • Use environmental-friendly cleaning products.
  • Join green training programmes and workshops to enhance environmental awareness.

Link of training programmes and workshops : 

Tags: Green Office